понедељак, 31. децембар 2012.
субота, 29. децембар 2012.
Jednom rečju-savršenstvo / In one word-perfection
Da, samo jedna reč je dovoljna da opišem moju najdražu Elizabeth Woolridge Grant. Volim harizmu kojom zrači, njen glas. Doživljavam je kao nežnu osobu, ali verujem da je jaka. Njene pesme su remek dela. Kod nje me je privuklo to što je drugačija u moru klonova. Jedna pesma je bila dovoljna da počnem da je obožavam. Kada bih mogla da biram koga ću slušati do kraja svog života, to bi bila ona. Koliko sam samo puta poželela da imam njene usne, stil ili glas. Volim je. She's my love.
/Yes, only one word can describe my favorite Elizabeth Woolridge Grant. I love charism that she radiatin, her voice. I experience her like gentle person, but I think she is strong. Her songs are masterpieces. She is different in see of clones. One song was enough to start to love her. If I could choose who I'm going to listen to the end of my life, that would be she. How many times I wished I had her lips, a style or voice. I love her. She's my love./
/Yes, only one word can describe my favorite Elizabeth Woolridge Grant. I love charism that she radiatin, her voice. I experience her like gentle person, but I think she is strong. Her songs are masterpieces. She is different in see of clones. One song was enough to start to love her. If I could choose who I'm going to listen to the end of my life, that would be she. How many times I wished I had her lips, a style or voice. I love her. She's my love./
Ne znam odakle ovoliko slika, samo sam par skinula sa Interneta. :)
I don't know from where are this many pictures, I downloud just few from Internet.
четвртак, 27. децембар 2012.
Radi ono što voliš, voli ono što radiš. / Do what you love, love what you do.
Mnogo stvari u životu nisam uradila jer me je nevažno mišljenje isto tako nevažnih osoba previše doticalo. Počela bih da radim nešto i prestala na pola puta jer je strah od negativne reakcije okoline bio preveliki. 2013. je moja godina promena i odličila sam da radim nešto što volim, nešto što će mene činiti srećnom, bez obzira šta drugi kažu na to. Shvatila sam da treba da radim ono šta volim, jer će ljudi, bez obzira na tvoje postupke, i dalje pričati. Tako sam odlučila da otvorim blog. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti! :)
/ Many things in life I didn't do because is irrelevant opinion of unimportant people to much touched me. I started to do something and stopped halfway because the fear of negative reactions from the environment was too high. 2013th is my year of change and I decide to do something I love, something that will make me happy, no matter what others say about it. I realized that I should do what I love, because people, regardless of your actions, and continue to talk. So I decided to open my blog. I hope you like it! :) /
/ Many things in life I didn't do because is irrelevant opinion of unimportant people to much touched me. I started to do something and stopped halfway because the fear of negative reactions from the environment was too high. 2013th is my year of change and I decide to do something I love, something that will make me happy, no matter what others say about it. I realized that I should do what I love, because people, regardless of your actions, and continue to talk. So I decided to open my blog. I hope you like it! :) /
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